Sunday, February 14, 2016


This is our big boy Gus.....such a special and sweet boy.  Gentle and loving, sweet and cuddly, easy going and goofy - he's a big Carolina Dog that we pulled from Memphis Animal Control.  He was very skinny and he tested positive for HW, had a severe URI and was on the euth list - enter his amazing foster Mom & Dad and their pack who opened their hearts and home to him.  Gus is just beginning his HW treatment now that that pesky URI has been kicked to the curb and we will see him through this until he's 100% heathy.
Although he's a big guy.....he plays so gently with his foster sister and little brother....he'd be great in any home.  He's neutered, crate trained, utd on all vaccinations and once he finishes his HW treatment he's going to make one family luckier than their wildest dreams!  He's gaining weight so we think he'll be about 70 lbs. once he's regained his health - on the high end for a CD, but not off the charts.
We're taking applications for him - and you're more than welcome to join our Facebook rescue group where you'll see updates on him as he progresses.  We LOVE this guy - gentle giant that thinks he's a lap puppy - he's between 2-3 years old and has a lot of living to do :)  If you've ever wanted a BIG dog that acts like a small dog.....well here he is!
Shoot us an email at if you think he might be the dog for you!

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